Fitness Blog Covering Topics Of Interest Sunday, April 07 2013
Legumes play an important role in traditional diets in many parts of the world. They are low in fat, are good sources of protein and fiber, and contain a variety of micronutrients and phytoestrogens (plant estrogens). Phytoestrogens have received a lot of attention for their ability to fight not only cancer, but also heart disease and osteoporosis. They help balance hormones in the body and thus are thought to be particularly valuable for the hormone-dependent cancers: breast cancer and prostate cancer. It is well known that male hormones play a role in prostate cancer development. Despite their advantages, legumes play a minor role in most Western diets. The typical Western based diet (lower in vegetables and legumes and higher in animal-based foods) can cause an increase in both male and female hormones (androgens and estrogens), while a plant-based diet tends to lower these hormones. This is the basis for the role of diet in the development of hormone-dependent cancers. Soy foods, such as tofu, soy milk, soy beans, and vegetarian burgers, seem to be particularly rich in cancer-fighting properties. This is at least partially due to a form of phytoestrogen, called isoflavones, that is found primarily in soy. It appears to help prevent prostate cancer by binding to male hormone receptors in the prostate, thus reducing the stimulating effect of male hormones on prostate cell growth. Epidemiological studies have shown that high levels of isoflavones are often associated with low rates of breast, colon, and prostate cancer. This has been used to explain why countries such as Japan and China that typically consume large amounts of soy have lower risks of these diseases. The difficulty with consuming soy for reducing risk of prostate cancer is the lack of clinical trial evidence to support its use. As with any dietary component, it is difficult to isolate the effect of a particular food type to prove its effectiveness. One prospective study, including over 12,000 men, did evaluate consumption of soy milk. It found that those who drank soy milk regularly had a reduced risk of prostate cancer. The relationship held up after other factors were controlled for. Other studies need to be done to further establish the benefits of soy. In the meantime, getting more soy foods into your diet can be healthy for many reasons, and lowering your risk of prostate cancer may be one of these. Tuesday, March 05 2013
Vitamin D Deficiency: A Global ConcernIf you live north of the line connecting San Francisco to Philadelphia and Athens to Beijing, odds are that you don’t get enough vitamin D. The same holds true if you don’t get outside for at least a 15-minute daily walk in the sun. African-Americans and others with dark skin, as well as older individuals, tend to have much lower levels of vitamin D, as do people who are overweight or obese. Worldwide, an estimated 1 billion people have inadequate levels of vitamin D in their blood, and deficiencies can be found in all ethnicities and age groups. ( - ) Indeed, in industrialized countries, doctors are even seeing the resurgence of rickets, the bone-weakening disease that had been largely eradicated through vitamin D fortification. ( - )Why are these widespread vitamin D deficiencies of such great concern? Because research conducted over the past decade suggests that vitamin D plays a much broader disease-fighting role than once thought. Being “D-ficient” may increase the risk of a host of chronic diseases, such as , , , and multiple sclerosis, as well as , such as and even the .Currently, there’s scientific debate about how much vitamin D people need each day. The Institute of Medicine, in a long-awaited report released on November 30, 2010 recommends tripling the daily vitamin D intake for children and adults in the U.S. and Canada, to 600 IU per day. () The report also recognized the safety of vitamin D by increasing the upper limit from 2,000 to 4,000 IU per day, and acknowledged that even at 4,000 IU per day, there was no good evidence of harm. The new guidelines, however, are overly conservative about the recommended intake, and they do not give enough weight to some of the latest science on vitamin D and health. For bone health and chronic disease prevention, many people are likely to need more vitamin D than even these new government guidelines recommend. Vitamin D Sources and FunctionVitamin D is both a nutrient we eat and a hormone our bodies make. Few , so the biggest dietary sources of vitamin D are fortified foods and . Good sources include dairy products and breakfast cereals (both of which are fortified with vitamin D), and fatty fish such as salmon and tuna.For most people, the best way to get enough vitamin D is taking a supplement, but the level in most multivitamins (400 IU) is too low. Encouragingly, some manufacturers have begun adding 800 or 1,000 IU of vitamin D to their standard multivitamin preparations. If the multivitamin you take does not have 1,000 IU of vitamin D, you may want to consider adding a separate vitamin D supplement, especially if you don’t spend much time in the sun. Talk to your healthcare provider. Two forms of vitamin D are used in supplements: vitamin D2 (“ergocalciferol,” or pre-vitamin D) and vitamin D3 (“cholecalciferol”). Vitamin D3 is chemically indistinguishable from the form of vitamin D produced in the body. The body also manufactures vitamin D from cholesterol, through a process triggered by the action of sunlight on skin, hence its nickname, “the sunshine vitamin.” Yet some people do not make enough , among them, people who have a darker skin tone, who are overweight, who are older, and who cover up when they are in the sun. (Correctly applied sunscreen reduces our ability to absorb vitamin D by more than 90 percent. (8) And not all sunlight is created equal: The sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays—the so-called “tanning” rays, and the rays that trigger the skin to produce vitamin D—are stronger near the equator and weaker at higher latitudes. So in the fall and winter, people who live at higher latitudes (in the northern U.S. and Europe, for example) can’t make much if any vitamin D from the sun. (8) Vitamin D helps ensure that the body absorbs and retains calcium and phosphorus, both critical for building bone. Laboratory studies show that vitamin D can reduce cancer cell growth and plays a critical role in controlling infections. Many of the body’s organs and tissues have receptors for vitamin D, and scientists are still teasing out its other possible functions. New Vitamin D Research: Beyond Building BonesSeveral promising areas of vitamin D research look far beyond vitamin D’s role in building bones. And, as you might expect, the news media release a flurry of reports every time another study links vitamin D to some new ailment. These reports can be confusing, however, because some studies are stronger than others, and any report needs to be interpreted in the light of all other evidence. More answers may come from randomized trials, such as the (VITAL), which will enroll 20,000 healthy men and women to see if taking 2,000 IU of vitamin D or 1,000 mg of fish oil daily lowers the risk of cancer, heart disease, and stroke.Here, we provide an overview of some of the more promising areas of vitamin D research, highlighting the complex role of vitamin D in disease prevention—and the many unanswered questions that remain. Vitamin D and Bone and Muscle StrengthSeveral studies link low vitamin D levels with an increased risk of fractures in older adults, and they suggest that vitamin D supplementation may prevent such fractures—as long as it is taken in a high enough dose. ( - )A summary of the evidence comes from a combined analysis of 12 fracture prevention trials that included more than 40,000 elderly people, most of them women. Researchers found that high intakes of vitamin D supplements—of about 800 IU per day—reduced hip and non-spine fractures by 20 percent, while lower intakes (400 IU or less) failed to offer any fracture prevention benefit. ( )Vitamin D may also help increase muscle strength, which in turn helps to prevent falls, a common problem that leads to substantial disability and death in older people. ( - ) Once again, vitamin D dose matters: A combined analysis of multiple studies found that taking 700 to 1,000 IU of vitamin D per day lowered the risk of falls by 19 percent, but taking 200 to 600 IU per day did not offer any such protection. ( )A recent vitamin D trial drew headlines for its unexpected finding that a very high dose of vitamin D increased fracture and fall risk in older women. ( ) The trial’s vitamin D dose—500,000 IU taken in a once-a-year pill—was much higher than previously tested in an annual regimen. After up to 5 years of treatment, women in the vitamin D group had a 15 percent higher fall risk and a 26 percent higher fracture risk than women who received the placebo.It’s possible that giving the vitamin D in one large dose, rather than in several doses spread throughout the year, led to the increased risk. ( ) The study authors note that only one other study—also a high-dose, once-a-year regimen—found vitamin D to increase fracture risk; no other studies have found vitamin D to increase the risk of falls. Furthermore, there’s strong evidence that more moderate doses of vitamin D taken daily or weekly protect against fractures and falls—and are safe.So what is the significance of this study for people who want to take vitamin D supplements? A reasonable conclusion would be to continue taking moderate doses of vitamin D regularly, since these have a strong safety record, but to avoid extremely high single doses. This recent finding does present a challenge to scientists who will work to understand why the extreme single dose appears to have adverse effects. Vitamin D and Heart DiseaseThe heart is basically a large muscle, and like skeletal muscle, it has receptors for vitamin D. ( ) So perhaps it’s no surprise that studies are finding vitamin D deficiency may be linked to heart disease. The Health Professional Follow-Up Study checked the vitamin D blood levels in nearly 50,000 men who were healthy, and then followed them for 10 years. ( ) They found that men who were deficient in vitamin D were twice as likely to have a heart attack as men who had adequate levels of vitamin D. Other studies have found that low vitamin D levels were associated with higher risk of heart failure, sudden cardiac death, stroke, overall cardiovascular disease, and cardiovascular death. ( - ) How exactly might vitamin D help prevent heart disease? There’s evidence that vitamin D plays a role in controlling blood pressure and preventing artery damage, and this may explain these findings. ( ) Still, more research is needed before we can be confident of these benefits.Vitamin D and CancerNearly 30 years ago, researchers noticed an intriguing relationship between colon cancer deaths and geographic location: People who lived at higher latitudes, such as in the northern U.S., had higher rates of death from colon cancer than people who live closer to the equator. ( ) Many scientific hypotheses about vitamin D and disease stem from studies that have compared solar radiation and disease rates in different countries. These can be a good starting point for other research but don’t provide the most definitive information. The sun’s UVB rays are weaker at higher latitudes, and in turn, people’s vitamin D levels in these high latitude locales tend to be lower. This led to the hypothesis that low vitamin D levels might somehow increase colon cancer risk. (Since then, dozens of studies suggest an association between low vitamin D levels and increased risks of colon and other cancers. ( , ) The evidence is strongest for colorectal cancer, with most (but not all) observational studies finding that the lower the vitamin D levels, the higher the risk of these diseases. ( - ) Vitamin D levels may also predict cancer survival, but evidence for this is still limited. ( ) Yet finding such associations does not necessarily mean that taking vitamin D supplements will lower cancer risk.The trial will look specifically at whether vitamin D supplements lower cancer risk. It will be years, though, before it releases any results. It could also fail to detect a real benefit of vitamin D, for several reasons: If people in the placebo group decide on their own to take vitamin D supplements, that could minimize any differences between the placebo group and the supplement group; the study may not follow participants for a long enough time to show a cancer prevention benefit; or study participants may be starting supplements too late in life to lower their cancer risk. In the meantime, based on the evidence to date, 16 scientists have circulated a “call for action” on vitamin D and cancer prevention: ( ) Given the high rates of vitamin D deficiency in North America, the strong evidence for reduction of osteoporosis and fractures, the potential cancer-fighting benefits of vitamin D, and the low risk of vitamin D supplementation, they recommend widespread vitamin D supplementation of 2000 IU per day. ( )Vitamin D and Immune FunctionVitamin D’s role in regulating the immune system has led scientists to explore two parallel research paths: Does vitamin D deficiency contribute to the development of multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and other so-called “autoimmune” diseases, where the body’s immune system attacks its own organs and tissues? And could vitamin D supplements help boost our body’s defenses to fight infectious disease, such as tuberculosis and seasonal flu? This is a hot research area and more findings will be emerging. Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple sclerosis (MS) rates are much higher far north (or far south) of the equator than in sunnier climes, and researchers suspect that chronic vitamin D deficiencies may be one reason why. One prospective study to look at this question found that among white men and women, those with the highest vitamin D blood levels had a 62 percent lower risk of developing MS than those with the lowest vitamin D levels. ( ) The study didn’t find this effect among black men and women, most likely because there were fewer black study participants and most of them had low vitamin D levels, making it harder to find any link between vitamin D and MS if one exists. Vitamin D and Type 1 Diabetes: Type 1 diabetes is another disease that varies with geography—a child in Finland is about 400 times more likely to develop it than a child in Venezuela. ( ) Evidence that vitamin D may play a role in preventing type 1 diabetes comes from a 30-year study that followed more than 10,000 Finnish children from birth: Children who regularly received vitamin D supplements during infancy had a nearly 90 percent lower risk of developing type 1 diabetes than those who did not receive supplements. ( ) Other European case-control studies, when analyzed together, also suggest that vitamin D may help protect against type 1 diabetes. ( ) No randomized controlled trials have tested this notion, and it is not clear that they would be possible to conduct. Vitamin D, the Flu, and the Common Cold: The flu virus wreaks the most havoc in the winter, abating in the summer months. This seasonality led a British doctor to hypothesize that a sunlight-related “seasonal stimulus” triggered influenza outbreaks. ( ) More than 20 years after this initial hypothesis, several scientists published a paper suggesting that vitamin D may be the seasonal stimulus. ( ) Among the evidence they cite:
A recent randomized controlled trial in Japanese school children tested whether taking daily vitamin D supplements would prevent seasonal flu. ( ) The trial followed nearly 340 children for four months during the height of the winter flu season. Half of the study participants received pills that contained 1,200 IU of vitamin D; the other half received placebo pills. Researchers found that type A influenza rates in the vitamin D group were about 40 percent lower than in the placebo group; there was no significant difference in type B influenza rates. This was a small but promising study, and more research is needed before we can definitively say that vitamin D protects against the flu. But don’t skip your flu shot, even if vitamin D has some benefit.Vitamin D and Tuberculosis: Before the advent of antibiotics, sunlight and sun lamps were part of the standard treatment for tuberculosis (TB). ( ) More recent research suggests that the “sunshine vitamin” may be linked to TB risk. Several case-control studies, when analyzed together, suggest that people diagnosed with tuberculosis have lower vitamin D levels than healthy people of similar age and other characteristics. ( ) Such studies do not follow individuals over time, so they cannot tell us whether vitamin D deficiency led to the increased TB risk or whether taking vitamin D supplements would prevent TB. There are also genetic differences in the receptor that binds vitamin D, and these differences may influence TB risk. ( ) Again, more research is needed. ( ) Vitamin D and Risk of Premature DeathA promising report in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that taking vitamin D supplements may even reduce overall mortality rates: A combined analysis of multiple studies found that taking modest levels of vitamin D supplements was associated with a statistically significant 7 percent reduction in mortality from any cause. ( ) The analysis looked at the findings from 18 randomized controlled trials that enrolled a total of nearly 60,000 study participants; most of the study participants took between 400 and 800 IU of vitamin D per day for an average of five years. Keep in mind that this analysis has several limitations, chief among them the fact that the studies it included were not designed to explore mortality in general, or explore specific causes of death. More research is needed before any broad claims can be made about vitamin D and mortality. ( )Tuesday, December 18 2012
About A.B.C.D.E.
Every child needs to learn the ABC’s of life. When it comes to establishing healthy habits, you can teach them how to “ABCDE” (Act Boldly to Change Diet and Exercise). Why is this important?
What are the benefits of good nutrition and daily exercise for kids?Mental and behavioral benefits
Physical benefits
What are the effects of different settings on the eating and exercise habits of kids?In the home:
At school:
In the neighborhood:
Why are you critical to establishing healthy behaviors in your kids?
Saturday, October 13 2012
The foods we eat can affect our risk of developing certain types of cancer. High energy and high fat diets can lead to obesity and are generally thought to increase the risk of some cancers. Plant-based diets high in fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and wholegrain foods may help to prevent cancer.
Foods to ‘eat less’
Foods to ‘eat more’
Include more of these vegetables and fruits in your diet along with other varieties.
Treating cancer with food
Things to remember
Saturday, September 22 2012
No special diet or ‘miracle food’ can cure arthritis, but some conditions may be helped by avoiding or including certain foods or supplements. Arthritis is a general term describing over 100 different conditions that cause pain, stiffness and (often) inflammation in one or more joints. Everyone with arthritis can benefit from eating a healthy, well-balanced diet to maintain general good health.
Dietary modification for gout
Omega-3 fats and Inflammation
It is important not to confuse fish oils with fish liver oils (such as cod liver oil and halibut liver oil). Fish liver oils also contain vitamin A. Large amounts of vitamin A can cause serious side effects. Ask your doctor before taking any supplements, to ensure the correct dosage.
Things to remember
Friday, August 10 2012
Gluten intolerance, a genetic disorder caused due to adverse reactions of the body to a protein called gluten, which causes inflammation of the upper small intestine resulting in various health complications. Gluten is a mixture of two components – gliadin and glutenin, which results in a sticky dough like texture when mixed with water. For some people, gliadin does not suit the body and causes inflammation in the small intestine. Due to this, the tiny protrusions called villi found in the interior walls of the intestine are not able to absorb vital nutrients. Excess of calcium, minerals, vitamins and fat are passed in the stools. Since the nourishment is not really adequate, deficiency related disorders are common. Gluten intolerance can result in sudden and unhealthy weight loss or weight gain of the individual. For instance, diarrhea results in weight loss as excessive water from the body is removed along with some vital nutrients. Dehydration results in loss of weight. Similarly, anaemia, exhaustion, fatigue and digestive disorder generally results in unhealthy weight loss of the person. However, depending on the nature of thyroid disorders caused due to gluten intolerance, hypo or hyper thyroid syndrome can either increase or decrease the weight of the person. In the case of pregnant women, malabsorption of nutrients can cause serious health complications resulting in congenital malformation, miscarriages and also excessive weight gain during pregnancy and even obesity. Abnormal absorption of fat and excess passing of fat and calcium in stools can also result in weight abnormalities. Some people who have this disorder exhibit clear symptoms while for some, there are some abnormalities seen in the digestive tract. High amount of damage is also seen in the small intestine and hence, the diagnosis may become slightly difficult due to such varied symptoms from individual to individual. Gluten intolerant people have to avoid food items that contain barley, rye and wheat in any form (as a staple ingredient or a by-product). For example, certain cereals, cookies, bread, lipsticks, medications and vitamin supplements contain hidden gluten content in them. They have to be completely avoided to prevent further damage to the intestine. Otherwise, the chances of developing gastro intestinal cancer are pretty high. In addition, patients suffering from gluten intolerance should balance their emotional levels and stress levels in order to prevent the worsening of general health and aggravating the symptoms of the disorder. Breast feeding by mothers for a longer period of time and starting gluten-containing food products at later ages for the child are also some ways to prevent gluten intolerance among children. Reports suggest that around 2 million people in America suffer from gluten intolerance and the related disorders. People from Northern European descent are found to be more prone to this disease. Since this disorder is genetic in nature, if one family member contracts this disease, there is also a chance that the descendants may also be affected at a later point of time. Hence, if there is constant problem with general health and fitness, biopsy and blood test needs to be taken to diagnose this disorder. Thursday, July 19 2012
There appears to be a difference of opinion concerning the merit of fruits versus vegetables. There is a small but zealous group of people called fruitarians who maintain that fruit is the only proper food for mankind. Then there are some like myself who favor vegetables for good health and proper nutrition. In fact, I feel that fruit, even in the broadest possible range and variety, can never provide sound health and long life. The fruitarians maintain stoutly that through the use of fruit they enjoy good health or have regained good health after being sick. I sometimes demand proof of their statements and they offer it in various ways. For example, they use their own good health as testimony that an all-fruit diet is the proper course to follow. They also cite the gorillas and other primates as examples of fruit eaters who display great strength and good health. Back a few years ago I could not refute these statements and even though I could not accept their theory that fruit and fruit alone was the proper diet for man, I just permitted the matter to rest. However, after a lot of study and investigation, I learned that there are few, if any, robust and healthy fruitarians. I do not know of one 100% fruitarian who has lived on a totally fruitarian diet for ten straight years, let alone 25 years or more. Therefore, if they cannot show me an example .... that is, a good example .... of someone who has remained on a strictly fruit diet for ten years or more, then what have they to offer as proof? On the other hand, I have known a few myself who tried a totally fruitarian diet and all came 'a cropper'. Then I found proof that the statement that the gorilla eats only fruit is nothing but a myth .... and a stupid ridiculous myth at that! For years the fruitarians have been citing gorillas or other primates as an example of the value of a strictly fruitarian diet. However, upon studying the eating habits of gorillas, I learned that fruits constitute less than 10% (actually closer to 5%) of the total diet of gorillas. A detailed comprehensive book, written and tabulated by one who spent some years among them, gives this proof conclusively and it is available to anyone who wishes to get it. The title of the book is, "The Mountain Gorilla Ecology and Behaviour," written by George B. Schaller and published by the University of Chicago Press. The reason I have taken the trouble to bring this whole matter of the gorilla and the fruitarian diet into the open is that with the exaggerated claims of the fruitarians and the fact that the fruitarian diet is pleasing and delectable, many people might be led to believe their claims and perhaps do themselves serious harm. I have witnessed just that in at least four instances. My many years of reasearch and study have clearly and unmistakably indicated that vegetables are a better source of nutrition than fruits. It is admitted that most fruits are more pleasant, more palatable and more delectable and no doubt require less work in preparation than vegetables, but it appears certain that vegetables are more valuable nutritionwise. I stress to you readers who are seeking health that you do not make the mistake of trying to regain or maintain your health on a diet of fruit juice alone. I maintain that it cannot be done. It is my way of life to read and study nutrient charts and from these charts I learn and then base my opinions. Thus, when I say that vegetables contain many more essential nutrients than fruit, I want you to know that I have investigated the matter. One must not judge the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables by taste and flavor alone. A vegetable I consider to be one of the finest — namely, cabbage — is acceptable when sliced, shredded or chunked but it is much, much less palatable in the juice form. In fact, I know of few if any less desirable juices than cabbage. However, in an actual research project it was found that cabbage juice therapy was a safe and almost positive way to rid oneself of ulcers. Again, do not judge the merit of a juice by palatability alone. Remember, we go on a juice regimen in order to improve or regain our health .... not as a fad or for fun. It is strictly a means of survival, so flavor is not of importance. On the other hand, one need not sacrifice everything nor follow a spartan regimen. One can have a fair amount of the more enjoyable fruit juice .... for example, one-third fruit juice and two-thirds vegetable juice .... but I would strongly advise that they not be mixed. Although an apple will improve the flavor of many vegetable juices, I advise that you take your fruit and vegetable juices separately. It is important, in my opinion, that the variety of fruits and vegetables used be as broad as possible. Do not restrict yourself to the juices of one or two fruits and one or two vegetables. Make positively sure that you get a broad variety. In this way your diet will be properly balanced .... and this will be reflected in the way you feel and the way you look. You will note, if you study charts, that some juices contain large amounts of one nutrient or element whereas other juices contain large amounts of other nutrients or elements. It is claimed that fruit juice is the cleanser of the body. No doubt you have noticed that fruit juice cause a much greater frequency of urination and, thus, they are generally referred to as cleansers. In my opinion, the fact that they make you urinate frequently does not necessarily mean that they are cleansers .... but that is the value that many authorities attribute to them. However, you can be sure that a lot of fruit means a lot of urine. A few years ago I had a friend visiting me from Alaska and he confided in me that he was fearful that he was developing diabetes. I asked him why he was fearful and he told me that recently he had been urinating much more than usual. He also told me that, knowing he was coming to visit me, he had gone on a fresh fruit diet. I pointed out that a diet of fruit, especially melons, will greatly increase the flow and frequency of urine. It turned out he had nothing to fear .... it was simply 'much fruit, much urine'. While fruit juices are referred to as cleansers of the human body, vegetable juices are called the regenerators or builders and this tends to bear out my belief that vegetable juices contain more nutrients than fruit juices. My studies reveal that vegetable juices contain practically all of the nutrients required to build and sustain the human body in optimum health. For those who are addicted to drinking and consuming large quantities of tea, coffee, milk or other beverages, I would like to suggest that drinking fruit or vegetable juices would be far more beneficial health wise and, of course, fruit or vegetable juices are not addictive. Desirable and pleasant, yes, but addictive, no! At the same time I would like to remind you rather emphatically that fruit or vegetable juice is not just a refreshing drink like water or pop, but it is a food .... and a potent, health-giving food at that! In using juices, remember, no seasoning should ever be added. In fact, to add seasoning of any kind would detract from the value of the juice or create an imbalance. Never, ever add salt to, any fresh juice. In fact, if you value your health, do not add salt to any food. My enthusiasm for fresh vegetable and fruit juices did not spring up overnight. It slowly developed over a period of many long years, during which time I watched experiments and learned just what these juices can do. Well, I have a love affair with vegetable juices and I want to tell you that that love affair is based on the soundest foundation that exists on earth .... I saw with my own two eyes some of the lives that were saved by vegetable juices. Yes, I actuallly saw terminal cancer cases turned back to good health even after the medical doctors said that no more could be done. It is not hard to have a love affair with such a virile lover! Wednesday, February 29 2012
After years of denying the health benefits of sunlight, conventional researchers are finally starting to recognize the important role that ultraviolet light plays in human health. Getting sunlight on your skin, research now shows, is extremely important for preventing and even reversing chronic diseases. I'm talking about prostate cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, mental depression, osteoporosis and even, to some extent, type 2 diabetes. The interactions between sunlight and body chemistry for these diseases are quite complex, and I'm not going to go into them all here, but let me give you the highlights.
Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorptionFirst, you most likely already know the importance of calcium for your health. If you don't have enough calcium circulating through your blood, you're going to have cardiovascular problems and you will probably end up with heart disease. Calcium is crucial for healthy nervous system function, as well.If you've read any of the promotional material about coral calcium and all the different diseases that calcium can prevent or even help cure, then you have a pretty good idea about some of the practical applications of calcium. Now, I don't think that calcium all by itself is going to reverse many chronic diseases, but without calcium, there's no question that you will be accelerating those diseases and reducing your lifespan. Here's the kicker: Without vitamin D in your small intestine, your body will not absorb calcium even if you take an excess of supplements. This is the single most important point, and I don't think I've ever been able to get this point across with enough emphasis. You must have vitamin D in your body in order to use calcium. So if you're out there taking coral calcium supplements or eating a lot of green leafy vegetables, but not getting sunlight or ultraviolet radiation on your skin, then you are probably not absorbing the calcium you are going to such great trouble to ingest.
Reversing osteoporosis with sunlightSunlight can actually reverse osteoporosis. A lot of senior citizens are taking calcium supplements but not getting sunlight, so the calcium is passing right through their bodies. As a result, they're losing bone mineral density. However, by adding vitamin D to the equation through sunlight (remember, your skin generates vitamin D in response to sunlight exposure), senior citizens can start assimilating calcium and rebuilding their bones.This is information that doesn't get told to senior citizens, and modern doctors don't even understand it. They think that you treat osteoporosis with drugs, which is ridiculous. The only thing you need in order to treat osteoporosis is sunlight, calcium and a little bit of physical exercise. You will rebuild bone mineral density very rapidly on that kind of program.
The bottom line: Get some sun on your skinMake sure that you're getting sunlight on your skin. If you do this one thing, and do it consistently, it will create such a positive health outcome. Sunlight will make a world of difference in your life. It will change your mood. It will change your biochemistry. It will enhance your bone mineral density, and it will help your body beat or prevent various forms of cancer.In fact, vitamin D is a key compound in the regulation of cancer cell growth. Researchers are just now figuring out that people who are chronically deficient in vitamin D, which includes most Americans, are at far greater risk of a variety of different cancers. Vitamin D has been shown to be the single most powerful chemical compound known to medical science for preventing hormone-related cancers such as breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Why antioxidants are important before exposing yourself to UV lightNow, you might ask, "What if I can't get sunlight? What if I live in a northern climate or a cloudy climate and I just can't get sunlight?" First, as I said before, you can go visit a tanning salon. This is only the second-best choice. Personally, I don't like artificial light even if it is ultraviolet -- sunlight is far healthier for you because it has a full spectrum of energy that's not found in a tanning bed. But a tanning salon is your best alternative. If you can't get out in the sunlight, go sign up with a tanning salon.If you do that, it is crucial that you supplement with superfoods and high levels of antioxidants. If you don't have high levels of antioxidants in your tissues, you may suffer skin damage from excessive ultraviolet radiation. By taking high levels of antioxidants, however, you will build up an internal sunscreen, and your skin's response to sun exposure will be very different. It will be healthy and adaptive, meaning that you won't burn. Instead, you will tan. This is true even if you've never tanned in your life. I know exactly what I'm talking about here -- I used to be one of the most fair-skinned people around. I would sunburn very easily. I grew up in the Midwest, and after just half an hour in the summer sun I would be burned beet red. My skin would peel, and I would be in pain for days. Now, thanks to the antioxidants I'm taking, I can go out in the desert in Arizona, in the middle of the summer, and spend three hours under the sun with no sunscreen whatsoever and not burn at all. What's the difference? Do I have new skin and new genetics? Of course not. I just have better nutrition. This is one of those truths about health that medical science currently considered heresy, but will eventually acknowledge as true in the years ahead.
Protect your skin with outstanding internal nutritionNutrition makes all the difference when it comes to sun exposure. Keep in mind that it takes a little bit of time for this nutrition to work its way into the tissues of your skin. So if you haven't been engaging in good nutrition but you want sunlight, don't make the mistake of jumping out into the sun right away. Give yourself a couple of weeks following high-density nutritional supplementation first (and use whole food-based supplements, not the cheap chemical multivitamins sold at retail).One of the best products you can get to assist with this is called astaxanthin. Astaxanthin will greatly boost the antioxidant count in your tissues, protect you from sunlight, and function as an internal sunscreen. It will also reduce inflammation and protect your nervous system, including your eyes, from damage from a variety of sources, including oxidative damage, free radical damage, and damage from ultraviolet radiation. Getting astaxanthin into your diet is very wise. You should also add superfood supplements to your diet. If you're not already taking a green foods product, I strongly urge you to order one and make it part of your daily diet. If you don't like the taste of it at first, keep in mind that you will get used to it, and you can start small. Blend half a teaspoonful into your favorite drink. I recommend bananas and either milk or soymilk. That makes a delicious milkshake. You can blend in a little supergreen powder and start increasing your dosage until you're putting in a couple of heaping tablespoonfuls each morning. Believe me, you'll not only get used to the taste, you'll come to like it. You can also buy a variety of other nutritional supplements. There's a product available at health food stores called Berry Green. It's a whole food concentrate. It's important that you don't make the mistake of relying on isolated vitamins; eat whole food concentrates if you want to boost your antioxidant count, which will help protect you from sunburn.
Alternative food sources of vitamin DIf you can't get into a tanning booth, or don't want to, another alternative to sunlight is to find other sources of vitamin D. The best way to do that is to drink cod liver oil on a daily basis. A tablespoonful of cod liver oil would go a long way toward boosting your vitamin D count and protecting you from chronic disease.Don't assume that this tastes unpleasant just because it's from fish. Cod liver oil is actually close to tasteless. It's sort of like drinking olive oil or corn oil. Additionally, you can buy mint- or orange-flavored cod liver oil from health food stores and it won't taste objectionable at all. You can even mix it into your blended morning drink if you want. Either way, get vitamin D into your diet. Don't believe for a second that vitamin-D-fortified milk is going to give you enough vitamin D. Most of the vitamin D in milk has been destroyed by excess exposure to light. It's a terrible way to get vitamin D. The most efficient vitamin D supplement is still fish oil, and cod liver oil is the best way to go. There are four main points you should take from this:
Tuesday, December 06 2011
Along with a balanced diet and regular exercise, multivitamins are a good way to stay in good health. For just pennies a day, they may help lower your risk of cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis as well as prevent some birth defects. When undertaking body weight management, taking a multi-vitamin will keep you strong and healthy. Since you are changing your eating habits in one way or another, you want to make sure you are getting in a good amount of your essential vitamins and minerals. Look to include vitamins: A, D, E & B-Complex (B1, B2, B6, B12), minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, chromium, zinc, iodine, boron, iron & selenium in addition to an anti-oxidant. There are many misconceptions about vitamins and the health benefits they offer. Vitamins play an important role in keeping the body healthy. However, taking large doses of certain vitamins can actually be harmful. For most people, it is best to get the vitamins our bodies need from eating a variety of healthy, unprocessed foods rather than by taking supplements. Vitamin supplements are frequently misused and taken as a form of medicine to treat ailments such as colds or to counteract lifestyle issues such as stress. Contrary to popular belief, vitamins aren’t drugs or miracle cures. They are organic compounds that participate in various metabolic functions. High-dose supplements should not be taken unless recommended under medical advice. Isolating the ‘active ingredient’ is not the answer Proper balance and adequate levels of essential nutrients is important for a range of complex processes in our body. When vitamins are taken as supplements, they are introduced into the body at levels that could never be achieved by eating even the healthiest of diets. They are also sent in ‘alone’. When they occur in food, vitamins have many other companions to help them along the way. For instance, provitamin A (beta-carotene) in food is accompanied by hundreds of its carotenoid relatives. Simply taking a vitamin pill is not an instant fix for feeling run down or lacking in energy. It is the combination of a whole range of compounds (most of which we probably don’t even know about) in plant foods that gives us the protection. When you artificially remove one of them and provide it completely out of context, it may not be as effective and, in the case of some vitamins, can have negative effects Recommended dietary intakes Many people mistakenly believe that since small amounts of vitamins are good for you, then large amounts must be better. In the case of vitamins, it is better to follow the rule of ‘less is more’. The vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble, which means they can be stored in the body. Taking high doses of these vitamins, especially vitamin A, over a long period of time can result in harmful levels in the body unless you have a medically diagnosed deficiency. Some of the water soluble vitamins can also cause side effects in high doses. For instance, vitamin B6 has been linked with nerve damage when taken in large doses. For a healthy adult, if supplements are used, they should generally be taken at levels close to the recommended dietary intake (RDI). High-dose supplements should not be taken unless recommended under medical advice. Deficiencies and illness The human body is able to store vitamins. The fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K can be locked away in the liver and body fat and stored for a long time. The water soluble vitamins, including B-complex and vitamin C, are mostly only stored for a shorter period of time. A vitamin deficiency takes weeks or months before it will affect your health. For instance, it would take months of no vitamin C before you developed scurvy. An occasional lapse in good eating will not harm you if your usual diet consists of a wide variety of fresh foods. Sometimes supplements are needed Supplements do have a role to play for some groups of people. For instance, people on long-term restrictive weight loss diets or people with malabsorption problems such as diarrhoea, coeliac disease, cystic fibrosis or pancreatitis can benefit from supplements. Folic acid supplements are strongly recommend for women planning a pregnancy to reduce the risk having a baby with neural tube defects, like spina bifida. People who are advised by their doctor that they need to take vitamin supplements are encouraged to consult an accredited dietitian, who can work with their doctor to provide dietary advice related to the person’s situation. If you need to take a supplement, it is best to take multivitamins at the recommended dietary level, rather than single nutrient supplements or high-dose multivitamins. The common cold and vitamin C Many people think that vitamin C helps prevent the common cold. Despite exhaustive research across the world, there is still no strong evidence to prove this. Some studies have shown that taking large doses of vitamin C (more than 1,000mg per day) continuously or at the start of a cold may ease some of the symptoms and the duration, on average, making it about half a day shorter. It does not prevent you catching a cold. You also need to consider the health risks associated with taking large doses of vitamin C. Large doses may cause nausea, abdominal cramps, headaches, fatigue, kidney stones and diarrhoea. It may also interfere with your body’s ability to process (metabolise) other nutrients – for example, it could lead to dangerously raised levels of iron. Excessive amounts of vitamin C in the body can also interfere with medical tests, such as diabetes tests, giving a false result. Adults need about 45mg of vitamin C per day and any excess amount is excreted. Stress, depression and anxiety Some vitamin and omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies can lead to emotional disturbances. However, if you are feeling run down, it is more likely to be due to stress, depression or unhealthy lifestyle habits (such as insufficient sleep or smoking) rather than a vitamin deficiency. Feeling under pressure doesn’t automatically lead to a vitamin deficiency, so taking a vitamin supplement won’t necessarily make the stressful feelings go away. More serious mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, aren’t caused or prevented by vitamins, although a healthy diet and good nutrient intake can help support a person to better cope with their condition. Vitamin E and heart disease Vitamin E is widely promoted as a beneficial antioxidant that can help prevent heart disease. Unfortunately, several large-scale reviews have conclusively found no evidence that vitamin E supplements prevent death from heart disease. In fact, there may be greater risk of all-cause death from taking such supplements. Cancer cures Vitamin A in large doses does not cure cancer and can be toxic, particularly if taken as pills rather than food. There is some evidence that vitamin E could play a small role in preventing some cancers although, equally, there is evidence that it could hasten the onset of other types of cancer; however, this has not been conclusively proved or disproved. While it is argued by some that megadoses of antioxidants can help with the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the evidence is far from supporting this. In fact, it has been shown that megadoses of antioxidants can actually interfere with some medical treatments of cancer by helping to protect the cancer cells that the therapies aim to eradicate. Some research findings A number of studies into supplement use have shown negative findings. For instance: Vitamin A (beta-carotene) was thought to reduce the risk of some cancers but has been linked to an increase in others, such as lung cancer in smokers, if taken in supplement form. Several long-term studies have shown that prostate, breast and lung cancer risk are not decreased by taking high-dose supplements containing vitamins E or C or selenium. People taking high-dose vitamin E supplements have been found to have higher rates of early death (mortality). Anti-ageing vitamins Vitamin E is often singled out as the potential fountain of youth. However, there is no evidence that taking large doses of any vitamin can either stall or reverse the effects of ageing. Neither can any one vitamin restore a flagging sex drive or cure infertility. Vitamins and chronic disease In developed countries, vitamin deficiency is rare but the inadequate intake of some vitamins is not so rare and has been linked to a number of chronic diseases. These include cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis. There is ongoing research to study the effects of taking vitamin supplements to prevent chronic disease, and evidence around nutrition and diet is constantly changing. It is important you consult with your doctor before taking vitamin supplements in high doses. Things to remember Vitamins are not drugs or miracle cures. Taking large doses of vitamins can be harmful because your body only needs vitamins in very tiny amounts. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and cereals will give your body most of the vitamins your body needs at the right level and in the right balance. Vitamin supplements can’t replace a healthy diet, but a general multivitamin may help if your diet is inadequate. People who may need vitamin supplements include pregnant and breastfeeding women, people who consume alcohol in amounts over the recommended level, drug users and the elderly. |