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Tuesday, January 10 2012
Resting heart rate. The average heart rate for a person at rest is 60 - 80 beats per minute. It is usually lower for people who are physically fit, and often rises as you get older. You can determine your resting heart rate by counting how many times your heart beats in one minute. The best time to do this is in the morning after a good night's sleep before you get out of bed. Maximum heart rate. To determine your own maximum heart rate per minute subtract your age from 220. For example, if you are 45, you would calculate your maximum heart rate as follows: 220 - 45 = 175. Target heart rate. Your target rate is 50 - 75% of your maximum heart rate. You should measure your pulse off and on while you exercise to make sure you stay within this range. After about 6 months of regular exercise, you may be able to increase your target heart rate to 85% (but only if you can comfortably do so). Certain heart medications may lower your maximum and target heart rates. Always check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. Note: Swimmers should use a heart rate target of 75% of the maximum and then subtract 12 beats per minute. The reason for this is that swimming will not raise the heart rate quite as much as other sports because of the so-called "diving reflex," which causes the heart to slow down automatically when the body is immersed in water. VO2 Max. Serious exercisers may use a VO2 max calculation, which measures the amount of oxygen consumed during intensive, all-out exercise. The most accurate testing method uses computers, but anyone can estimate V02 without instrumentation (with an accuracy of about 95%): After running at top pace for 15 minutes, round off the distance run to the nearest 25 meters. Divide that number by 15. Subtract 133. Multiply the total by 0.172, and then add 33.3. Olympic and professional athletes train for VO2 max levels above 80. A VO2 max equaling between 50 and 80 is considered an excellent score for overall fitness. For the average person exercising for fitness and health, this value is not necessary. To determine your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. This number represents how many times your heart should beat per minute at its maximum rate. Multiply that number by 0.6 and 0.85 to determine the range of heart rate to strive for. Healthy people can build up gradually to sustain this heart rate for 30 to 45 minutes at least 3 times a week to build aerobic fitness. The health benefits of exercise depend more on regular activity than on pace, intensity, and heart rate.
Posted by: Food & Exercise 4 Living AT 04:55 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 03 2012

What is dehydration?

Dehydration is the excessive loss of water from the body, as from illness or fluid deprivation. Any person who exercises on a regular basis is susceptible to the effects of even mild fluid loss. The value of the body's most important nutrient, water, cannot be underestimated.

Exercise produces body heat, and too much body heat reduces exercise capacity. As the core body temperature rises, blood flow to the skin increases, and the body attempts to cool itself by sweating. During intense exercise, the body temperature rises as high as 39 degrees Celsius (105 degrees Fahrenheit) and the muscle temperature can rise as high as 40 degrees Celsius (108 degrees Fahrenheit). These temperatures make exercise difficult because the body and muscles are competing for blood.

As the body temperature rises, oxygen becomes more of a commodity due to increased circulatory demands. Oxygen is needed to help with the cooling process, and reduces the amount of oxygen available for vital organs, which can lead to severe health risks as well as a drop in athletic performance.
When you start exercising, as much as two percent of the body water is lost. Although this amount is considered a "normal" range for humans, it is certainly not an optimum level for athletic performance. Below is a table that summarizes the effects of minimal fluid loss during exercise.

Body Water Lost Symptoms

1 % Few symptoms or signs of any thirst present; however, there is a marked reduction in VO2 max.
2% Beginning to feel thirsty; loss of endurance capacity and appetite.
3% Dry mouth; performance impaired.
4% Increased effort for exercise, impatience, apathy, vague discomfort, loss of appetite.
5% Difficulty concentrating, increased pulse and breathing, slowing of pace.
6-7% Further impairment of temperature regulation, higher pulse and breathing, flushed skin, sleepiness, tingling, stumbling, headache.
8-9% Dizziness, labored breathing, mental confusion, further weakness.
10% Muscle spasms, loss of balance, swelling of tongue.
11% Heat Exhaustion, delirium, stroke, difficulty swallowing; death can occur.

Dehydration can cause any or all of the following:

• Increased heart rate (beats per minute)
• Increased lactate acid in muscles (increased blood acidity)
• Increased body temperature
• Decreased strength
• Any of the following medical conditions: heat cramping, heat exhaustion & heat stroke

The best way to avoid fluid loss is often the simplest: drink plenty of fluids. Water is sufficient to replenish the fluids that are lost during exercise. However, water cannot replace the minerals that are lost during exercise-induced sweating. Sweating releases potassium, sodium and calcium, which are vital for survival. These minerals, also known as electrolytes, are not found in water. It is therefore advisable to consume a supplement, which contains these added minerals, before any strenuous exercise.

One such supplement that contains these electrolytes is a “sports drink.” Although these sports drinks can contain a combination of vitamins and minerals, they also contain simple and complex carbohydrates, predominantly simple sugars, which provide the athlete with an added amount of glucose. This glucose, which is converted by the body into fuel, can later be used to power working muscles.

The carbohydrates that are found in sports drinks are designed, when used as directed, to help in performance, but do not play a direct role in hydration. The added nutrients, potassium, sodium, and calcium, along with the water content of the sports drink, are the determining factors in hydration.

Exercise scientists, along with savvy marketers, have designed the newest product to conquer dehydration - fitness water. This new product has taken regular water and added minerals and vitamins, including those vital electrolytes, potassium, sodium and calcium. This new product targets fitness enthusiasts that want to protect against dehydration, but who are looking to keep their calorie count and sugar intake to a minimum, which can help with weight loss goals.

Caffeinated drinks should typically be avoided before and during exercise. Caffeinated products increase urine output, which raises the amount of fluid loss. This fluid loss is exactly what we are trying to avoid. Many people drink caffeinated drinks before exercise to obtain extra energy. A suggestion to those who need “the extra energy”— avoid the caffeine and take a vitamin B tablet instead. The vitamin B tablet will give the extra energy desired, without the increased fluid loss.

Another product to avoid, especially in relation to hydration, is alcohol. Alcohol, like caffeine, increases urine output, which increases fluid loss. Although most people will not consume alcohol just before exercising, it should be noted that a few drinks the night before a morning workout could have a large negative effect on hydration levels. If you’re planning on exercising the morning after consuming alcohol, drink plenty of fluids, including those necessary electrolytes.

Taking in the required electrolytes, as well as satisfactory levels of fluids, will determine your hydration level. It is vital to monitor the body and to continually take in fluids. By the time thirst sets in, the body has already lost at least two percent of its fluid, and dehydration occurs. At any chance possible before and during exercise consume fluids to avoid the harmful consequences of dehydration.

Posted by: Mark Kovacs, M.Ed, CSCS, USATF II (Sprints) Editor of High Performance Training AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
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