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Friday, September 28 2012

Disability - fibre and constipation

Some people with disabilities suffer from constipation. Contributing factors can include the medications that they may take, low levels of physical activity, insufficient fluids and a diet that may be too low in fibre. Increasing the amount of fibre in the diet not only treats constipation but also lowers cholesterol, may reduce the risk of various cancers and bowel diseases, and improves general health and well-being

Two main types of fibre
The two broad categories of fibre include:

  • Soluble fibre - softens the faeces by absorbing water and helps slow the rate of digestion and lower blood cholesterol and blood glucose. It is found in a range of foods including legumes, fruits, vegetables and oat bran

  • Insoluble fibre - helps prevent constipation and other associated disorders, such as haemorrhoids, by adding bulk to the faeces and making the food products pass more quickly through the bowel. It is found in a range of foods including wheat bran and wholegrain cereals and breads.

Fibre keeps the digestive system healthy

  • Encourages the passage of food and wastes through the digestive system (peristalsis).

  • Reduces the risk of bowel diseases such as chronic constipation, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

  • May reduce the risk of various cancers, particularly those of the bowel.

Fluid is also important
Fibre can only help to relieve constipation if there is enough fluid in the diet for it to be able to do its work. Fibre absorbs water to produce a soft and bulky stool. Everyone should drink at least 2 litres of water each day, particularly in hot weather. Some people with a disability may need to be reminded to drink regularly. Water is the best drink.

Inactivity can cause constipation
Some people with a disability have conditions that affect their mobility, and this can also be a reason why a person is constipated. A person with a disability needs to be as active as possible each day, as every little bit of regular exercise helps.

Fibre can help with other health problems
A diet rich in fibre can help in many ways, including:

  • Weight management - obesity increases the risk of a range of health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. Fibre is key to healthy weight management. Since it is indigestible, it provides a sensation of fullness without the kilojoules.

  • Atherosclerosis - high blood cholesterol is a contributing factor in the development of atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries), which can cause a range of health problems including high blood pressure and heart disease. Soluble fibre (such as legumes, fruits and vegetables) helps to reduce blood cholesterol.

  • Diabetes - a diet high in soluble fibre is digested and absorbed more slowly, which leads to lower blood glucose levels.

How much fibre?
Dietitians generally recommend about 30g of fibre every day. Packaged foods such as breads and cereals include nutrition information labels, which can help you to calculate your fibre intake, and nutrition books often include fibre charts. A dietitian can provide information to individuals on the type and quantities of foods that need to be eaten to achieve 30g of daily fibre in the diet each day. Examples of the fibre content in some foods include:

  • Four slices of wholemeal bread - about 7g

  • Half a cup of baked beans - about 7g

  • Two medium pieces of fruit - about 6g.

General cautions
Changes to eating habits should be made with some care. For example:

  • A sudden increase in dietary fibre can upset the digestive system and cause symptoms including flatulence (gas) and abdominal pain. It is better to slowly increase the amount of fibre in the diet over a period of several weeks.

  • Diets that are too high in fibre can hinder the absorption of certain minerals including iron, zinc and calcium. Avoid consuming more than 35g of fibre per day.

  • Do not use fibre supplements unless you have checked with your doctor or dietitian, since these products can aggravate or cause constipation, particularly if you don’t drink enough fluids. Some people with a disability have swallowing problems. Many fibre supplements thicken when added to fluid and this may cause a person with swallowing problems to choke.

  • It is important to drink sufficient fluids. It may be helpful to always include a glass of water at each meal or snack.

Things to remember

  • Some people with a disability suffer from constipation.

  • Contributing factors can include medications, low levels of physical activity, insufficient fluids and a diet that is low in fibre.

  • Dietitians generally recommend about 30g of fibre every day.

Posted by: Ronald AT 05:37 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, September 22 2012

No special diet or ‘miracle food’ can cure arthritis, but some conditions may be helped by avoiding or including certain foods or supplements. Arthritis is a general term describing over 100 different conditions that cause pain, stiffness and (often) inflammation in one or more joints. Everyone with arthritis can benefit from eating a healthy, well-balanced diet to maintain general good health.

Some conditions may be helped by dietary changes. For example, people with inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis seem to benefit from an increased intake of omega-3 fats, found in oily fish such as sardines and salmon, while gout sufferers may benefit from avoiding foods high in purines, including offal, shellfish and beer and drinking plenty of water.
Always seek the advice of your doctor or dietitian before changing your diet. You may be restricting your food intake unnecessarily or taking too much of products (such as mineral supplements) that may have no impact on your condition at all. Some supplements can also interact with other medications.

General recommendations
General dietary recommendations for a person with arthritis include:

  • Eat a well-balanced diet. This will help to maintain general good health, and a healthy weight.

  • Avoid crash dieting or fasting.

  • Increase dietary calcium to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in later life.

  • Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids.

  • Keep your weight within the normal range. Excess bodyweight increases the stress on joints, especially weight-bearing joints such as the knee and hips.

Dietary modification for gout
Uric acid is a waste product that is normally excreted from the body in urine. Gout is a type of arthritis characterised by the build-up of uric acid in the joints (such as the big toe), which causes inflammation and pain.
It is believed that lowering uric acid levels through small changes in your diet may help reduce the chance of future gout attacks. These changes include:

  • Restrict or avoid alcohol.

  • Avoid binge drinking.

  • Restrict or avoid offal meats, such as liver, kidneys and brains.

  • Restrict or avoid shellfish, such as prawns and scallops.

  • Restrict or avoid some sea foods including sardines, herrings, mackerel and anchovies.

  • Restrict or avoid products containing yeast, such as beer and Vegemite.

  • Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids.

  • Avoid fasting or ‘crash’dieting

  • Make sure you don’t overeat on a regular basis.

  • Take your time when eating.

Omega-3 fats and Inflammation
Foods that contain omega-3 fats have been found to help reduce the inflammation associated with some forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis. These effects are modest compared with medications, however they do not have side effects, and may also have other health benefits, such as reduced heart disease.

Foods rich in omega-3 fats include:

  • Fish – oily fish such as salmon and sardines, have greater amounts of omega-3 fats

  • Linseeds and linseed (flaxseed) oil

  • Canola (rapeseed) oil

  • Walnuts

  • Foods fortified with omega-3, such as margarines and eggs

  • Some fish oil supplements.

It is important not to confuse fish oils with fish liver oils (such as cod liver oil and halibut liver oil). Fish liver oils also contain vitamin A. Large amounts of vitamin A can cause serious side effects. Ask your doctor before taking any supplements, to ensure the correct dosage.

Other supplements
The supplements glucosamine and chondroitin are popular – yet evidence about their success in treating arthritis is limited.

Studies show that glucosamine and chondroitin, taken either separately or in combination, may relieve pain for people with osteoarthritis where there has been a breakdown of cartilage. There is no evidence that these supplements are effective for any other forms of arthritis.

Glucosamine and chondroitin may interact with other medications, including warfarin, and should only be taken after consultation with your doctor.

Obesity may worsen arthritis symptoms
If you are overweight or obese, the extra load on your joints may be exacerbating your arthritis symptoms, especially if your affected joints include those of the hip, knee or spine. There is also a clear link between being overweight and an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis.

To lose excess weight you must be active, but this can be difficult for people with arthritis due to pain or stiffness. See your doctor, dietitian or health professional for information and advice.

Current evidence for dietary cures is sparse
Gout can be helped by avoiding some foods. However, there is no substantial scientific evidence that other forms of arthritis can be helped by avoiding particular foods, unless that person has specifically shown intolerance to them.
There is no evidence that acidic foods such as lemons, tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants or dairy foods trigger arthritis symptoms. These foods all contain important nutrients and avoiding them may be a health risk.

Tips for managing arthritis and diet
If you think a particular food may aggravate your arthritis, it can help to keep a diary of your food intake and symptoms. After a month, you may have some idea about which food could be provoking symptoms. Discuss these results with your doctor or a dietitian.
Don’t cut whole food groups from your diet – for example, all dairy products – without talking to your doctor, as you may miss out on important vitamins and minerals.

Remember that remission may be coincidental
The symptoms of arthritis, particularly the inflammatory types, can change for no apparent reason. Don’t assume any improvement in your symptoms is due to what you eat or avoid. Be guided by your health professional.

Things to remember

  • Arthritis is a general term describing over 100 different conditions that cause pain, stiffness and (often) inflammation in one or more joints.

  • No special diet or ‘miracle food’ can cure arthritis, but some conditions may be helped by dietary changes.

  • Fish oil can ease the symptoms of inflammatory types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

  • The symptoms of gout can be eased by avoiding alcohol and offal meats, and by drinking plenty of water.

Posted by: Ronald AT 12:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, September 14 2012

The things that can have a positive impact on our health are many and varied, and often it can be surprising to learn that something that doesn't intuitively seem to have anything to do with our health can actually have a big impact on it one way or another. For instance take jellyfish – you likely have no reason to have thought of jellyfish as a great source of nutrients, or as the key to unlocking secrets of our own health – but in fact they are both. Here we will look how the humble jellyfish can benefit your health and how they might one day help us to better understand the human body.

About Jellyfish

Jellyfish are remarkable creatures. While you and I are 'mostly water' jellyfish take this to the extreme and are only 5% solid matter and 95% water. They are invertebrates meaning they lack a spine and so they don't swim or walk but rather just 'drift' with the currents and go wherever they may take them.

There are a vast number of jelly fish species and these come in a range of shapes and sizes – sometimes with tentacles up to 100 feet long. Some will drift in shallow coastal waters but others prefer depths of up to 12,000 feet. They live three to six months and they come in a variety of colors.

And if you want an amazing jellyfish fact how about this – the Turritopsis Nutricula Jellyfish is a species of jellyfish that never dies. Yes this jellyfish is biologically immortal meaning that if it's never in an accident or caught by predators then it won't die. This is because it can revert itself back to its neonatal state as a newly born 'polyp' and thereby rejuvenate all of its cells.

Eating Jellyfish

Eating dried jellyfish is highly nutritious and they contain a lot of good substances. Jellyfish are one of Asia's most popular foods and are served dried and chopped into small pieces and boiled to add a crunchy texture and remove salt. Their health benefits are that they contain a lot of calcium binding proteins which improve memory and help to fight age related cognitive decline. In one study 56 participants were put on a jellyfish diet and it was found that 57% of them experienced memory improvements. Normally our brain produces calcium binding proteins of its own, but as we get older these reduce in number. This is a problem as the proteins are used in order to regulate the amount of calcium in the brain cells and this can then slow down various brain functions.

At the same time dried jellyfish contain collagen which may be helpful for the treatment of arthritis and visible signs of aging once again. All this suggests that while you're not going to become immortal like the Jellyfish, you will nevertheless gain some youthfulness as a result of eating them. Jellyfish are also harvested for their collagen and this can be used in many beauty products.

Most fundamentally though, the jellyfish is mostly protein and water meaning that it is a very lean source of amino acids with very few carbohydrates or fats making them the perfect diet food.

Swimming With Jellyfish

Jellyfish sting as a natural response to touch and this is their primary defense mechanism against predators. Some of these stings are deadly – such as stings from the box jellyfish but in many cases it is perfectly safe to swim with jellyfish. Some stings are not strong enough to breach the skin at all while others are barely noticeable. As jellyfish are so calming and beautiful many people find it fascinating and therapeutic to swim with them. If you enjoy the thought of swimming with jellyfish then the best way to do so is to head to Clear Lake on the island of Eli Malk in Palau. Here you will encounter the 'golden pool' filled with countless 'golden jellyfish' which have lived there without evolving for millions of years. Because the lake is cut off and so high in nutrients, the jellyfish have lost their sting and that makes them completely harmless to swim with. Meanwhile more and more people are taking an interest in keeping moon jellyfish as pets.

Jellyfish in Biotechnology

The real benefits of jellyfish to mankind however lie in their unique genetics. The luminescence that they produce for instance (the green fluorescent protein gene in crystal jellyfish specifically is responsible) is often used as a 'biomarker' or 'biotag' to allow scientists to identify the activation of genes. They have been used to create glowing cats, mice and other animals and this then indicates that the other changes they have made to those animals' genetics are also working. Luminescent cats most recently have been used to research a potential cure to AIDS. This has additionally allowed scientists to see inside living cells and this has helped to revolutionize medicine and our understanding of our cells. And finally the paralyzing aspects of jellyfish venom it is hoped may help us to unlock the keys to the human cardiovascular system.

Posted by: Christopher Jacoby AT 05:12 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, September 07 2012

Toddlers are struggling to reconcile their autonomy with parental control. On this age group, children try to assert their autonomy by saying no. In fact, toddlers can say no to virtually anything. One moment they refuse to eat a bowl of cereal, but a few minutes later they turn around to demand the same bowl after you have thrown away its content.

Parents and caregiver should set boundaries and limits for toddlers. You may doubt this, but a little frustration is healthy for your children. They should know things that they can’t get and know their limits. Even so, you should respect your children’s opinions, if they say no, listen and respond to your children’s words. It will show them that they have control on their lives. By choosing battles wisely, you can avoid unnecessary power struggles. For example, they may want to wear winter hat on the beach, just let them. However, if they insists on playing near a busy street, that’s certainly non-negotiable.

Oftentimes, toddlers refuse a massage. When it happens, respect their wish as it sends a clear message that their body is completely theirs and others will respect it. Obviously, you should respond properly when they wants a massage. You may be busy at certain times, but if you can establish a predictable schedule, both of you will feel more comfortable. Accommodating your children’s needs show them that you’re being helpful in guiding them toward independence and self-reliance. Remember that childhood needs that are properly met will go away, while those that can’t be met will be carried well into adulthood.

Setting and Respecting Boundaries

Boundaries separate people; they define expectations and simplify life. Well-established boundaries can help toddlers to feels safe and know about limits in life. These are common boundaries in the family:

• Knocking before entering a bedroom

• Asking permission before playing on the lawn

• Prohibition on hitting and other violent physical contacts

• Don’t play with Mom’s cooking utensils

• Wear proper clothing when playing outside during cold days

• Hold Mom’s hand when crossing the street

Boundaries can only be effective if parents can become a reliable role model and behave properly, as the result toddlers can grow into a young child with good attitude and healthy relationships with other family members and friends.

These are a few things you should consider when attempting to establish boundaries:

Be consistent. Children, especially toddlers will be confused when they face changing limits and rules.

Adjust yourself to your children’s development. You should make sure that they are physically and emotionally capable of obeying boundaries.

Boundaries is not only about controlling your child, they help to teach self-discipline and keeping them safe.

Massaging can also help to set boundaries. You should ask for their permission before giving them a massage. You can also teach your children to massage each other and make it into something exciting. Observe your children's continuously, if they feel uncomfortable, you should take it easy and if they look bored, talk to them. Each child has unique preference, some love to have their legs massaged, while others want to have their backs rubbed.

Teaching Discipline Through Massage

If you want your child to be receptive to gentle discipline, massages can give you a good opportunity of establishing that kind of relationship. These are a few things to consider if you want your child to respond favorably to your loving guidance:

• Build trust.

• Set consistent and clear boundaries.

• Teach your child to communicate properly.

• Let your child know that you’re being sensitive to their needs.

Discipline is all about teaching to your child to stay within boundaries. Massage is a good way to teach about discipline, because your child will become familiar to trust, boundaries and nonverbal communication. In fact, infants can pick up lessons about boundaries and discipline through massage. By offering massage regularly, parents can become sensitive caretakers who are perfectly attuned to their child’s needs, which will nurture a relationship based on trust. Children who get proper responses to their needs with sensitivity and compassion will grow up with feeling of respect and they can rely on your positive authority.

Of course, you shouldn’t be a pushover, but when asserting your positive authority, you should be firm without being overbearing or controlling. By expressing positive authority properly, you can strengthen mutual respect and trust with your children in a cooperative and non-adversarial way. As you become more aware of their changing needs, sensitive and attuned, your relationship will evolve and grow as they do.

Handling Tantrums

Understanding why tantrum occurs is the first step in controlling it. Toddlers tend to have temper tantrums each time they’re overwhelmed with feelings they can’t or don’t know how to handle. Common triggers are anger, frustration, hunger and fatigue. Often temper tantrum occur in public places and it can be difficult to figure out to best handle the situation with everyone is watching. Temper tantrums are very frustrating for both of you.

After they are calm you have to talk about what had happened, by giving them a massage, it will remind them that they do have the skills to calm themselves down.

These are things to remember when temper tantrum strikes:

• Try to remain calm and objective

• Hold your child so they won’t get hurt

• If possible, bring them to a quieter place

It is important to be properly responsive to a child who is experiencing a tantrum. Many times, tantrum happens when the child can’t handle intense emotions, so the best thing you can do is to stay with them and remain loving. There is no fixed rule for this, because each child is unique, so do the relationship between child and parent. You should be intuitive, use soothing words but try to remain firm if necessary. Many parents reported that talking to their children after a tantrum episode, while giving a massage can help immensely. It can help your child to express their opinion, while at the same time, your child will become more receptive to your advices.

Posted by: Susan Knowlton AT 02:46 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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